Special feeding and management methods for raising pigs in winter

Special feeding and management methods for raising pigs in winter

The best environment temperature in the pig pen is 15℃~25℃, lower than 5 ℃ or higher than 30 ℃, the growth of pigs will be affected to a certain extent.

How to deal with the waste of the pig farm so that it will not be polluted again?

How to deal with the waste of the pig farm so that it will not be polluted again?

There are a large number of harmful microorganisms, parasites, carbohydrates, and carbon compounds in untreated pig farm waste. Carbohydrates decompose into water and carbon dioxide under aerobic conditions, and decompose into methane, organic acids, alcohols, etc. under anaerobic conditions.

What feed does the cow eat to grow fast? Cattle farmers should stop feeding pig feed and chicken feed!

What feed does the cow eat to grow fast? Cattle farmers should stop feeding pig feed and chicken feed!

Many cattle farmers feed their cows with pig feed and chicken feed. They think that the cows grow faster after eating the pig and chicken feed.This is not the case.

Feeding too much vitamins to laying chickens is harmful!

Feeding too much vitamins to laying chickens is harmful!

In order to increase the egg production of hens, some chicken farmers arbitrarily increase the amount of vitamins fed. As a result, the laying hens develop hypervitaminosis, which affects the growth and laying of the laying hens.

Are you feeding chickens with new corn?

Are you feeding chickens with new corn?

Some problems such as diarrhea of ​​livestock and poultry, increased feed intake, decreased egg production or growth stagnation are often encountered in the first period of new corn use.

What are the reasons for the stress response of laying hens? How to prevent?

What are the reasons for the stress response of laying hens? How to prevent?

In the process of feeding and management of laying hens, it will encounter stress caused by factors such as high temperature, low temperature, immunity, transfer, beak cutting, feed change, laying, water cut, and power cut.

How to do a good job in the green construction of pig farms?

How to do a good job in the green construction of pig farms?

Doing a good job in the greening of the pig farm has a great effect and significance in improving the microclimate of the pig farm. It can purify about 25% to 40% of harmful gases and absorb about 50% of dust.

The management measures of the air environment in the chicken house

The management measures of the air environment in the chicken house

In the first three days, keep 35°C under the brooding umbrella. At this time, the edge of the brooding umbrella is about 30~31°C, while other areas of the brooding house only need 25~27°C.

Improvement of production technology and equipment transformation of pig farm

Improvement of production technology and equipment transformation of pig farm

With the development of science and technology in our country, the breeding industry is also constantly improving.

What are the precautions for the construction of pig farm isolation measures to better avoid diseases?

What are the precautions for the construction of pig farm isolation measures to better avoid diseases?

Biosecurity is the fundamental plan of a pig farm. No infectious disease will fall from the sky for no reason.

Some pig farm construction issues that pig farmers need to pay attention to

Some pig farm construction issues that pig farmers need to pay attention to

There are some problems in many pig farms. In summary, they are mainly improper site selection and unreasonable pig house layout. It is recommended that you pay attention to these problems and try to correct them.  

What are the main reasons for chicken disease?

What are the main reasons for chicken disease?

It is not easy to raise chickens. Among them, the most troublesome issue for chicken farmers is the problem of chicken disease, because chicken disease is often a huge blow to the chicken industry.

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