Very detailed feed formula for laying hens
Laying hens refer to chickens raised exclusively for the supply of eggs. Unlike meat chickens, the main task of raising hens is to improve egg quality and maintain or increase egg production, rather than improving chicken quality. Eggs are the main source of income for laying hens.
1. Chick feed(1-60days)
(1)Corn 62%, bran 10%, bean cake 17%, fish meal 9%, bone meal 2%. ② Corn 60%, bran 10%, bean cake 22%, fish meal 6%, bone meal 2%.
(2)60% yellow corn, bran, 5% locust powder (or alfalfa powder), 13% fried soybeans, 10% peanut cake, 0.9% calcium lactate, 0.1% probiotic, ammoniated Choline 0.3%, Venus vitamin 0.04%, trace elements 0.16%, table salt 0.5%.
2. Youth chicken feed(61-120days):
(1) Summer: yellow corn 56%, bran 10%, locust leaf powder (or alfalfa grass powder) 10%, fried soybean 10%, peanut kernel cake 8%, calcium lactate 0.9%, prebiotic 0.2%, chlorinated Choline 0.2%, Venus vitamin 0.02%, trace elements 0.18%, salt 0.5%.
(2) Winter: yellow corn 60%, bran 10%, locust leaf powder (or alfalfa grass powder) 10%, fried soybeans 10%, peanut kernel cake 8%, calcium lactate 0.9%, prebiotic 0.2%, chlorinated Choline 0.2%, Venus vitamin 0.03%, trace elements 0.17%, salt 0.5%.
(3)Corn 55%, bran 20%, bean cake 7%, cottonseed cake 5%, rapeseed cake 5%, fish meal 5%, bone meal 2%, shellfish powder 1%.
(4)Corn 66%, bean cake 18%, sunflower seed meal 11%, fish meal 3%, bone meal 1.5%,salt 0.5%.
3. Laying chicken feed:
(1) Summer: 57% yellow corn, 5.8% bran, 8% locust leaf powder (or alfalfa meal), 13% fried soybeans, 10% peanut cake, 1.1% calcium lactate, 0.2% probiotic, chlorinated Choline 0.2%, Venus vitamin 0.03%, trace elements 0.17%, salt 0.5%, shell powder 4%.
(2) Winter: yellow corn 60.8%, bran 3%, locust leaf powder (or alfalfa grass powder) 8%, fried soybean 12%, peanut kernel cake 10%, calcium lactate 1.1%, probiotic 0.2%, chlorinated Choline 0.2%, Venus vitamin 0.04%, trace elements 0.16%, salt 0.5%, shell powder 4%.
(3)56% corn, 10% cereals, 6% bran, 17% bean cake, 5% fish meal, 3% shellfish powder,0.1% methionine, 0.4% salt.
(4)Corn 68%, bran 6%, bean cake 8%, fish meal 10%, bone meal 2%, shellfish powder 6%.
Expand information:
1. How to process layer feed pellets?
2. Chicken feed pellet production line cases
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