customer guide
how to build a high quality feed mills
How to build a high-quality feed project?

Nowadays, what elements are needed to build a high-quality ...

small and medium-sized feed mills
How should small and medium-sized feed mills deal with the downturn in pig prices?

In recent months, the price of live pigs has been in a downturn ...

chicken feed plant
How to choose the processing parameters of the 300,000 laying hens farm?

The processing of laying hen feed pellets by the chicken ...

different kind of pellets
Different animal feed, different feed granulation process

With the popularization and application of pellet feed in livestock ...

raw materials of animal feed
Raw material prices skyrocketing, how should animal feed plants respond

The price of feed raw materials has risen sharply ...

chicken feed pellets size
Very detailed feed formula for laying hens

Laying hens refer to chickens raised exclusively for the supply of eggs ...

how to raise freshwater shrimp
How to raise freshwater shrimp?

Freshwater shrimps are delicious on the table ...

How to get more benefits in the late laying period of laying hens
How to get more benefits in the late laying period of laying hens?

Under the influence of African swine fever and other factors ...

What knowledge do you need to learn to engage in the chicken industry?
For all the newcomers:What knowledge do you need to learn to engage in the chicken industry?

What knowledge do I need to learn to engage in chicken farming ...

The Sustainable Development of Richi Machinery...
The project with an annual output of 400,000 tons ...
The groundbreaking ceremony for new 500,000 tons/y...
Create a green product base! The organic fertilize...
Raw Materials & Formula +MORE
How to choose sow feed?

How to choose sow feed?

Sow reproduction can be divided into five stages: reserve period, weaning period, pre-pregnancy, late pregnancy and lactation. The selection and control of pig feed pellet for these five stages should...

Beef cattle breeding feed formula technology

Beef cattle breeding feed formula technology

The daily feed of each cow's concentrate is added at 1.5% of the cow's body weight, wet distiller's grains are added at 0.7% of the cow's body weight, and hay is added at 1.5% of the cow's body w...

Low-cost homemade goose feed formula

Low-cost homemade goose feed formula

It is necessary to know what nutrients the geese need. Because the nutritional requirements of different breeds of geese are different, such as laying geese and meat geese, the nutrients required by t...

Equipment & Technology +MORE
Breeding +MORE

How to confirm the capacity about chicken feed pellet line? What is the daily feed intake of chickens (layers and broilers)?

Under normal circumstances, feed with full-price feed, each chicken will eat 4.5kg of feed until the slaughter, and the average weight can reach 2.5kg... >>

How do cattle farms save cattle feed costs?

Cattle raising is very detail-oriented, and a small change can save a lot of costs. If you want to make money, you must start with some details. Every... >>

Reasons for the whitening of eggshells

The light during the laying period should be constant. Insufficient, unstable or irregular light will cause white eggshells. Artificial light suppleme... >>

Investment & Operation +MORE

What equipments are needed to set up a poultry livestock chicken duck pig feed processing plant?

Recently, a customer asked us this question: "I want to open a complete animal feed production line that mainly produces feed for pigs, chickens and d... ... >>

How to set up feed company 20 tons per hour for poultry feed?

There are some basic procedures for building a 20t/h poultry feed company, and some application conditions must be met. Of course, it also involves th... ... >>

How to start animal feed factory with 40 tons per hour for poultry and cattle feed?

How to start animal feed factory with 40 tons per hour for poultry and cattle feed? Today Richi Machinery will introduce to you the steps of building ... ... >>

Video guide +MORE
how feed pellet are produced

How Feed Pellet Are Produced

RICHI is a professional pellet machine manufacturer, just contact us for free quotation.

how to choose wood pellet machine

How to Choose Wood Pellet Machine

When choosing a pellet mill, please be sure to identify brands and products with quality assurance.

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Please send your requirements, RICHI's consultants will get back to you quickly.

Please specify your requirement by referring to the following aspects,RICHI's consultants will get back to you quickly :

  1. 1What capacity will meet your demand? (Key point)
  2. 2What kind of raw material and expected final product are you planning to have? (Right solution begins from material and product)
  3. 3When is the project supposed to be running? (Key info for A-Z project programming)
  4. 4Budget for machinery purchasing? (Key infomation for right model)
  5. 5Points that you really focus on. (Customized service from our project consultant)